Talk about COLD! One of the most beautiful places in the Southern Appalachian's - especially in December; however, the temperature didn't get above freezing the entire trip! This was an overnight trip from the parking lot at the base of Max Patch along the Applachian Trail to the Roaring Fork Shelter (about 2.5 miles one way).
Day one included great shots from atop Max Patch looking back towards the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. The hike to the Roaring Fork Shelter (a very nice shelter btw - with a privy, camp sites and water nearby.)
However, the overnight stay at the shelter was so cold that we had no choice but to pitch our tents inside of the shelter and sleep with our water. The temps got down to the single digits and tested the limits of my 20 degree down sleeping bag!
We survied the night and the hike back out proved more difficult than the hike in. Weather blew in snow and ice as well as a very heavy fog. The fog was so dense on top of Max Patch on the way out that we lost the trail a couple of times and the incredible photos afforded just a day before were long gone!
All in all, this was a fantastic hike that I will never forget. Regardless of when you go, Max Patch Bald is truly a magical place and whether the vistas are amazing or prohibited by dense fog, you'll surely enjoy your trip there. Happy hiking!
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