First off, if you ever have the good fortune visit Damascus, stay at a little bed and breakfast called The Lazy Fox. It's billed as the best breakfast on the Appalachian Trail. I must say, to beat Mrs. Jenny's breakfast spread one must search far and wide; that is if you can move after eating her homemade breakfast! Also, you have to visit Mount Rogers Outfitters while you're there. If you're fortunate, you may be able to meet Dave, the allusive owner of the establishment. The stories he has will keep you entertained for hours. An A.T. thru-hiker, he has a deep passion for the A.T. and his little town. Oh, he also has a pretty good outfitter store, too.
If you are ever there during Trail Days, the city is alive with activity. There are vendors selling food, there are companies doing demonstrations of the newest equipment and there is tons of gear for sale and swap. Tent city, which is on the outskirt of town, is the place where the thru-hikers camp for the week long festivities. However, you'll find that tents are set up about everywhere througout the town. At tent city you'll find the gear repair stations from Greggory, Osprey, and others are there to repair packs, bags, and other equipment at no charge! Also, be sure to check out the parade. This is an entertaining feat all in itself. The Tent City Thru Hikers dress in costumes and declare all out water-war on the parade watchers! It becomes a water balloon tossing, water gun shooting riot. Don't worry though, if you don't engage the paraders, you remain a dry casual observer.
Regardless if it is the third weekend in May, if you love hiking, biking or meeting good people, this is one town you need to visit.
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